A Little About the Authors

Sean Carter: I am a 23 year old student currently attending the University of Utah. I am pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, a Bachelor's Degree in Human Development and Family Studies, and am working towards being a fully Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) from the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). I love families and the ability that Family Life Educators have to prevent family crises from happening. I enjoy teaching about all aspects of families and I hope to make a difference in the world as a CFLE and a LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker). I am currently married with no children although the aspirations to have children sometime in the near future are definitely there. I have worked in the Utah Foster System with a company called RISE and I have seen the challenges that come with foster parenting for both the parents and the children. I hope that through this blog, my colleagues and I can better prepare those that are currently working as foster parents and those that are thinking about foster parenting to have a more rewarding and stress-free experience that will be mutually beneficial for both child and parent(s).

Courtney: I am currently a senior at the University of Utah. I am studying Human Development and Family Studies. I am also currently looking into pursuing a Master’s degree in a couple fields. However, I love this field of study because family is the building block of society. Everything in life has the power to impact individuals and families for good or ill. I think it is important to understand all aspects of development in understanding others and yourself. Overall, my hope is to help families become stronger in whatever circumstances they may be in. Although I have not personally been a foster parent, I know a few people who have, and I appreciate and admire their role in opening their home and lives to others in need. I hope that this blog can be a tool for helping foster parents to build their skills and realize further the power they have to make a difference.

Monica: I am 21 years old and a senior at the University of Utah, double majoring in Financial Planning and Human Development. I got married in June 2013 and am currently expecting our first child. I work as a dispatcher at a local appliance repair company, and it has been great. I am able to set my own schedule each semester which has really allowed me to focus on my schooling without worrying too much about work or finances. Foster care interests me because growing up,I knew a family who were foster parents. They have been such a great blessing on the kids they took in because they were able to provide stability and love to these children who had a hard time finding it before. Seeing their struggles with each individual child really showed how devoted they were to the program and helping these kids, even when they didn’t seem to want the help. It has been a great example to me of what the purpose is to foster care, and why it is so important to get families to stay with the program.

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